Master's Degree in surgical oncology, reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery
This Master’s Degree in Surgical Oncology, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Breast Surgery program shall provide an in depth training in the field of breast surgery.
The field of surgical breast oncology, reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery has developed in the last decade to an important subspeciality. It compromises the entire spectrum from treating benign and malignant breast tumors to breast reconstruction by implants and autologous tissue to the aesthetic surgery of the breast. This includes microsurgery for free tissue transfer and lymphatico-venous procedures.
This international Masters shall close the gap between these three fields in by offering a comprehensive training in oncological, reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery.
The International Master’s Degree in Reconstructive Microsurgery is a Lifelong Learning Master’s Degree officially recognised by the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona (UAB),
The MRBS program directors are representative of the love of teaching, dedication to breast surgery and devotion in to a high quality of patient life that characterize the program’s faculty.
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Jaume Masia MD, PhD
Chief and Professor of Plastic Surgery Department. Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (UAB).
Chief of the Breast Reconstructive and Lymphedema Unit. Clinica Planas, Barcelona

Jian Farhadi MD, PD, FMH (Plast)
Professor and Director Department of Plastic Surgery. St Thomas’ Hospital, London (UK).
Partner Clinic Pyramide at the Lake, Zurich (Switzerland).
Master’s Degree in surgical oncology, reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery in short:
The Master’s Degree in Surgical Oncology, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Breast Surgery is especially designed for plastic surgeons, breast surgeons and other surgical specialists in their final year of plastic surgical training or after their certification.
This Lifelong Learning Master’s Degree is officially recognized by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). It is organized in association with a faculty of internationally renowned experts.
This degree allows you to learn all aspects of breast surgery from a highly qualified and dedicated faculty from across Europe. These tutors have been chosen as they have the expertise to provide you with the training needed in order to become proficient in this field.
The program includes specific training modules that cover both theoretical and practical aspects. With the completion of this program the candidate has become highly proficient in this specialty.
This degree is a 120 ECTS Master (ECTS: European Credits Transfer System / 1ECTS = 25 hours in student’s work)
A maximum of 35 and a minimum of 9 students will be accepted to the Master’s Degree program.
Research projects:
Clinical or experimental research projects and literature reviewss will be encouraged to be published in a peer review journal.
Our educational program delivers comprehensive professional development opportunities for every level of surgical experience. It puts world class training directly into the hands of those who strive for excellence.
Emphasis will be given to practical skills and knowledge in oncology, reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery techniques, but will include diagnosis, therapeutic options, decision-making concerning techniques and recognition and management of risks and complications.
The Master’s Degree in surgical oncology, reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery is divided onto five different parts:
- The face-to-face part of this Master’s degree is given in 3 Hands-on modules, each consisting of 3-day training courses held throughout the first year.
- 6 on-line modules that are held over the course of 2 academic years
- Tutoring sessions will be organized after each online module.
- The specific clinical immersion program is held in set hospitals. However, it can be undertaken at the participant’s own centre, and assessed by the faculty member directing the student educational itinerary.
- An online course to develop the methodological aspects of clinical research finished with the presentation of a Master Thesis / Final work. It is mandatory to carry out a clinical or experimental research project. This will facilitate participation in research projects at several hospitals even can do a doctoral thesis.
To be awarded this Master’s Degree, trainees must complete all the modules, pass the practical assessment, do the minimal period of clinical immersion and present a research project. Candidates who successfully complete the full course will be awarded a Master’s Degree recognized by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

On-line campus:
This e-learning area provides quality peer-reviewed information in a dynamic and interactive format
- Case review
- Forum discussion to receive feedback from the faculty
- Video surgery
- Evaluation tests
- Second opinion from experts
- Journal club
- Log book of clinical immersion
Minimal requirements to be awarded the Master’s Degree:
- Attendance of at least 100% in scheduled classes.
- A grade of at least 50% in multiple choice exam for each module.
- Achieve a minimum abilities in microvascular surgery training in a small animal model evaluated at the end of Module 2.
- Surgical efficiency and efficacy of at least 50% through log book and portfolio review during clinical immersion.
- A grade of at least 50% in the final exam involving a presentation of clinical cases.
The final mark (overall mark) for each Master Course is determined by a combination of the MCQS (40%), final assessment (40%) and research work and Master’s Final Thesis (20%)
Research skills: clinical or experimental research projects and literature reviews will be encouraged to be published in a peer reviewed journal.
Clinical immersion program will be assessed during the face-to-face clinical immersion in modules M10-M11-M12. Faculty will assess the therapeutic approach, the suitability of the chosen procedure and the quality of the oral presentation of clinical cases.
When you begin the MRM program, you will immediately join a unique group of accomplished professionals. You and your fellow students will learn creatively and critically together. You will develop a community of support and lasting professional relationships with your colleagues and professors.
A master update meeting will be held every 5 years to discuss new techniques and to present new developments. Close interaction between qualified Master’s Degree students and faculty will be encouraged.
The aim of this update meeting is to create a wider clinical and scientific network that continues to engage in excellence in education and training in institutions throughout Europe.
The philosophy of these sessions is to establish a specialized working group with effective communication between former students and faculty.